These terms and conditions may be amended from time to time and apply to all of our services.
Bookings are not valid without written confirmation. We reserve the right to confirm hotels (of equal standard) other than those stated.
Payment shall be made no less than 30 days before departure. Vouchers will not be sent without payment. We reserve the right to request pre-payment for certain bookings.
Keep in mind that your card issuer may charge you a foreign transaction fee.
Force majeure
STEDKENDER is not responsible for unexpected events, such as Force Majeure (e.g., bad weather), or changes in business hours (e.g., museums) or changes in ferry sailing times. The client is responsible for all personal documentation.
Travel insurance
As with any and all world travel, we strongly recommend that you purchase a travel insurance policy in your home country that covers your cost should you have to cancel your travel reservation with short notice. These kind of travel insurances are not expensive and frequently cover other risks. Having travel insurances is always a good idea when traveling around the world.
Please note that STEDKENDER cannot be held responsible for damaged luggage if it is taken on the tour. Luggage storage can be bought as an optional extra if the customer would like to securely store their luggage while on the multi-day adventure.
Alcohol and drugs:
We reserve the right to refuse participation to clients we believe are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, in such circumstances, no refund shall be given. Our guides reserve the right to refuse participation to any customer whose conduct or manner is likely to cause offence, upset or put other passengers in danger. In such cases, full cancellation charges apply.
Reviews & Feedback
STEDKENDER welcomes all feedback, both positive as well as negative as it helps us improve our overall services, and performance. We would greatly appreciate it if you could share your tour experience with us.
Please note that all complaints must reach STEDKENDER within 5 days from the completion of your tour. Otherwise, possible compensation is not valid.
Any disputes arising in relation to STEDKENDER, services provided or these terms and conditions, shall be brought before the Municipal Court of Aalborg, Denmark.
The prices shown were calculated on the basis of known costs, vat and exchange rates. We reserve the right to make changes to and correct errors at any time before our confirmation.
STEDKENDER Cancellation Policy
All cancellation fees held by STEDKENDER are only intended to cover our direct cost of amending and/or canceling your reservation.
The cancellation policy applies to the original booking departure date the tour has been booked for. Due to unusual circumstances and high load, it may be expected that cancellation process will take up to 6 – 8 weeks after cancellation is registered in our systems.
Cancellation fees & charges
As we start to incur costs from the time the contract is confirmed we will apply cancellation charges as shown below from the time when written notification of the cancellation is received:
Cancellations of Multi-day Tours |
More than 29 days’ notice | 90% refund |
Less than 29 days’ notice | 50% refund |
Less than 7 days’ notice | No refund |
Cancellations with more than 29 days’ notice before trip departure:
You will be refunded 90% of the total tour price. 10% is non-refundable, as this represents our direct cost of booking and preparing your tour.
Cancellations with less than 29 days’ notice before trip departure:
You will be refunded 50% of your total tour price. 50% is non-refundable, as this represents our direct cost of canceling any arrangements made for your tour.
Cancellations with less than 7 days’ notice before trip departure:
No refund will be given if tours are canceled with less than 7 days’ notice, as STEDKENDER will be charged for all costs such as guides, transport etc.
10% of the price of your trip is non-refundable, this percentage reflects our cost of booking and preparing your trip.